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LATA EXPO CONFERENCE: AI and what it can do for your business

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We are delighted to welcome experts from Google to the LATA Expo Conference on Monday 24 June, for an insightful discussion on AI and what it can do for your business.

The session will look at how we are already using Google’s AI tools, and how businesses can use AI to better understand their customers and drive targeted profitable growth.   

image of Ajesh Patel from GoogleAjesh Patel is an Industry Manager in Travel at Google, responsible for a portfolio of the UK’s largest flight and tour operators. With over 11 years of experience in the digital advertising industry, he has partnered with a number of clients across various sectors, including travel, retail and finance transforming their marketing strategy.



Amelie Matuschka Google employeeAmelie Matuschka is an Industry Manager working on Google’s UK Travel Team. She works with travel advertisers, helping them to identify trends in consumer behaviour and technology adoption and align their online advertising strategies.





Thank you to Ajesh and Amelie for joining us at Expo and we look forward to hearing your AI insights

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