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Falkland Islands Tourist Board

Falkland Islands Tourist Board

Category: Tourist Boards
Founded in the early 1990s, the Falkland Islands Tourist Board (FITB) is the peak industry body for tourism in the Falkland Islands. Responsible for driving forward industry development and representing local tourism operators, FITB has a board of nine directors and a small team of professionals based in the country's capital, Stanley.

Along with marketing the Falklands as a prime international wildlife destination, FITB is also responsible for overseeing the national tourism strategy and daily management of the Jetty Visitor Centre in Stanley.
Tourism in the Falklands has been linked with Antarctic tourism since the industry's inception in the late 1960s and early 1970s, due largely to the pioneering efforts of the late Lars Eric Lindblad. Whilst outside the geographical area covered by the Antarctic Treaty, the Falklands have long been regarded as one of the gateways to Antarctica, an increasingly popular destination for tourists.

The last decade has seen significant local growth in tourism, most notably in the cruise ship sector, with tourism now the second largest industry in the Islands behind fisheries. Land-based tourism is also on the rise as more and more tourists are seeking truly natural wildlife encounters. World-wide, the Falklands are known for some of the largest and most accessible penguin and albatross colonies, their variety of marine mammals and bird species and the breathtaking photography opportunities that abound throughout these Islands.

Specialist countries

Contact details

Head office
Falkland Islands Tourist Board
Jetty Visitors Centre
Ross Road
Falkland Islands

+500 27020 (Fax)

General Enquiries

+500 22215